sábado, 29 de outubro de 2005

A gallery of re-mixed masterpieces, vandalism and vermin - Crude Oils Exhibition

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2 . One rat wakes, twitches its nose and runs over to the cracked porcelain cup and saucer filled with water to drink

3. the cannibalistic nature of art in our twenty-first century

4. People queueing out the door and up the street for 20 minutes to get into a small shop-sized gallery containing 164 live rats running around and shitting everywhere.

5. había ratas por todas partes. cientos de ellas. corrían y se amontonaban aquí y allá en los rincones, junto a las paredes. algunas se te acercaban curiosas. a Oli se le subían a los pies, y había que andarse con cuidado de no pisarlas. otras trepaban por donde podían

6. Won't forget seeing an exhibition with live rats in a hurry!...

7. Its not often that I queue for more than an hour on a saturaday to do anything let alone to stand in a room full of rats but this weekend I did

8. As the sign on the way into the exhibition says, "Please do not call environmental health, they are already fully aware of the situation"

9. The addition of rats has attracted some unwanted attention from animal rights groups who promised to prosecute if any of the hundred or so rats we're stepped on or injured.

10. Unfortunately I think that the vermin became the focus of the exhibition, distracting attention from the work on the walls. You weren't allowed in for long anyway, and for the time you were in there it was hard to devote as much time looking at the paintings as you did checking your feet. Having one of them climbing up your trouser leg doesn't bear thinking about!

11. was everything provocative art should be, though the stench from the rats was pretty overpowering

12. It's all a bit post-modern and ironic. But that's just the intellectual bit. The bit that actually makes it fun is that this tiny gallery (so small only five people are admitted at a time) is also home to 164 rats. So firstly, it stinks. And secondly, it's covered in shit.I like rats.

13. It’s mainly oil paintings juxtaposing old and new motifs. And then a lot of rats who have free reign of the area. Apparently the rats have been to theatre school or something so it’s ok.

14. live rats (one of banksy's iconic trademarks)

15. la cuota de subversión corresponde a las propias ratas, verdaderas protagonistas de la muestra: «Su presencia en la sala no es deliberadamente provocadora, sino deliberadamente divertida», asegura el autor. «No cruzaría la ciudad para ver una exposición de pintura, pero sí para ver 200 ratas»